Set 3 of 60s pop/rock…. this set ended up being a strange mix of 60s popular ‘rock-ish’ music of different types. Streamed live on June 10, 2020
Category: Stream Set
Set 057 Motown Set 2 – DJ zLor – June 9, 2020
Set 2 Motown in the mix. This was streamed live to continue the motown mix that ended at midnight the night before black out tuesday.
Set 056 Motown Set 1 – DJ zLor – June 1, 2020
First set of Motown in the mix. This was streamed live as ‘Motown Til Midnight’ on the night before black out tuesday. I continued with the second half a week later.
Set 055 Pop Rock 70s Set 2 – DJ zLor – May 27, 2020
Second set of 70s pop rock from live stream.
Set 054 Disco Pop Remixed Mixed
DISCO, remixed. 2 hours of it…. I had skipped mix 54 for awhile trying to decide what to put together for it disco wise… ended up with a bunch of remix service mixes. Enjoy
Set 053 Layover 3 Dubstrumental – Memorial Day – DJ zLor – May 25, 2020
Another set with long layovers, dub mixes and Instrumentals. A few of the dubs had a little more words than I would have liked but just random grab of songs never know what will come up. One had a pretty messed up beat, but it happens
Set 052 The 60s Rock Pop/Rock #2 – DJ zLor – 05-22-2020
A second set of live streamed pop rock/pop of music from the 1960’s in the mix
Set 051 Grabbing Stuff 9
After a short break, here is another mix of random new/newer realeases, mostly a bit mellow
Set 050 Releases Nuevo 3
After a short break, here is another mix of random new/newer realeases, mostly a bit mellow
Set 049 NRG Classics 4 (Streamed)
The 4th streamed set of NRG classics