Eclectic and Strange…. a few sinatra’s some people named rose, some broadway some other stuff, lets just make another wierd group of songs…
Author: discodj
102 Mid Bin 3 – 2021-03-09
Another mid bin selection of songs not on the HIT list but worth the playing. Mid Bin 3 for March 9, International DJ Day
101 Nu Disco 3 – 2021-03-03
For mix number 101 it is set number 3 of Nu Disco and Nu Disco-ish. An hour of boogie nu
100 Daft Punk – 2021-02-28
Daft Punk… I couldn’t decide what style to do the mega/mix number 100, then some news said they… whatever they decided. But I decided to give them the mix 100 spot.
099 The 90s NRG 5 – 2021-02-15
NRG of the 90s time, here is a 132 bpm mix for an hour with some energy. Yes the songs are some longer versions, but it was a nice work out.
098 Bailar 1 – 2021-02-11
Another new Mix Set type for me, wasn’t sure what to name it, it’s mostly spanish, not all mexico, not all over the border so bailar is it. Kinda Latin, Kinda House, a little english…. It’s an even 125 BPM, was great for the gym
097 Remakes 2 – 2021-02-07
Remakes set 2. It’s been 2.5 years since the last remake set. Songs re-done by someone other than the original singer/band/group. This one is pretty mellow, with some high points. Re-Enjoy the remakes
096 Deep House 1 – 2021-01-31
a deep house mix, finally got the first one done after so many other types of mixes. mellow hour. long 2 or 3 minute overlays for the mixes
095 Renew 1 – 2021-01-29
Another series… Set 1 for Renew. These songs are newer remixes, redrums, redo, refresh re re re of older songs done by remixers to make it their own or make it refreshed.
094 The Women 8 – 2021-01-23
The 8th set of songs with women singers. Not all the most popular hits, some may be…. always trying to bring in a few that may never be heard. Ahh a guy in there again